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There are a bunch of patents from Lloyd Stearman. The patents were applied for between 1929 and 1967.
Have you ever moved an airplane around on the ground by using a "T" handled bar that attached to the nose or tail gear? Guess what. Lloyd Stearman had a patent on it!
Lots of cotton picking patents, well actually only one for cotton picking, but many others for landing gear, shock absorbers, an improved sickle bar mower, tail skid, adjustable pilot seat, a detachable fuselage airplane, and air intake heater and a vapor sprayer.
There are additional patents filed under Stearman Aircraft.
This invention relates generally to a cutting apparatus for mowing machines.
In the past, operators of mowing machines have had many difficulties with conventional sickle bars in that they have gummed up easily. This gumming up, caused by the hardening of plant juices and dirt accumulating on the sickle bar, greatly increases friction and often makes the mowing machine very difficult to operate. Frequently this gummed up material must be removed necessitating a tedious scraping or soaking operation since normal, periodic lubrication is not adequate to prevent this gumming up.
In general, it is an object of our invention to provide an improved cutting apparatus which will prevent gumming of the sickle bar due to accumulation of dirt and plant juices and other foreign material on the sickle bar. Another object of this invention is to provide an improved device of this kind which will make the mowing machine easier to operate and at the same time prolong the life of the sickle bar.